Sunday, August 14, 2016

A500.1.5 RB_Mosley

The traits of quite reflection of intellectual traits.

During the past few days, I have had to reflect on traits of intellect for critical thinking.  Critical thinking is a way to purposeful process to solve problems from everyday life to complex problems.  Paraphrasing Richard Paul, he further elaborates on critical thinking as a process that analyzes, assesses and transforms to reach higher thinking (Paul no pg 2007).  The highest order of thinking is thought that is explicitly reflective and effective resulting in transformation (Paul. ELder, “Three Level of thought”).  This requires common virtues that hold true throughout the reasoning process to ensure decisive quality results.  Take for example admiring great art works, like Van Gogh’s Stary Nights or Esher’s Stairscases, key values are needed to understand what the definition of the work means.  It does not mean looking for fault like a critic but instead removing biases and opinions to understand (Noisch pg 13). 

One of those key values to understanding the higher order thought is intellectual perseverance (Paul Elder, “Intellectual Perseverance vs Intellectual Laziness”). Standing firm in intellectual principles and truths even faced with difficulties and challenges from critics, from faulty reviews, or insufficient data.  In my current occupation there are many that will dissuade me, or challenge without rational thought.  I have been persuaded by other opinions, fell into operational conformity and group-think.  These fallacies do not lend me to be a higher thinker, to solve real problems or concepts.  In order to reach the highest level of thought, I must understand how to preserve my own thoughts through perseverance.  My educational challenges of a career Airmen, is a good example of this.  I could stop trying to learn more and stop sharpening my leadership skills but instead I preserve through preserving my goals of understanding and defining the art work of my life.  

Nosich G.M. (2012) Learning to think Things Through; Critical Thinking across the curriculum. (4th ed) Columbus , Oh Prentice Hall
Paul, Richard (2007). The Critical Thinking Community; The 27th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking. Retrieved August 14, 2016 from

Paul, R. Elder L. (2014) Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concept and Tools (7th ed.), E-Reader Edition, Tomales, Ca. Foundation for Critical Thinking

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